Staying Rested And Recharged: The Importance Of Sleep While Traveling

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling - Wellness on the Go - Coffee & Mascara

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, traveling is exciting enough — but there’s one thing often forgotten: the power of sleep. Traveling can disturb your normal sleeping patterns as most of us either have long flights or different time zones or are in an unfamiliar environment. While traveling, however, you need to get good sleep, otherwise, your health and your trip’s enjoyment can suffer. Sleep does matter here’s why and how to stay on top of sleep while you’re traveling.

The Impact Of Sleep On Your Health While Traveling

It’s important to both your physical and mental health. From cognitive function and memory to immune system strength and emotional balance – it impacts all of it. It’s easy to forget these needs when you’re traveling with packed itineraries, jet lag, and a bit of anticipation. While it is not always easy to get enough sleep on the road, inadequate sleep will leave you tired, irritable, unable to focus, and actually less able to keep away illness than if you had gotten enough sleep.

For example, sleep deprivation may make it more difficult to keep focused during key business meetings, and in turn make it harder to fully enjoy simple activities like sightseeing or exploring a new location. How likely are you feel like having a positive outlook and being productive when you are well rested? The same holds true when traveling.

Sleep And Jet Lag

Jet lag is one of the most common travel related sleep disruptors. Seeing your body’s internal clock, or the circadian rhythm thrown off, when you cross too many time zones. It disturbs your ability to get to sleep, stay asleep and wake at the right time. It can cause symptoms such as tiredness, irritability and trouble concentrating.

If possible, try to rearrange your sleeping schedule before getting on the jet, which will help cut down the effects of jet lag. Flying east? Begin moving your bedtime back an hour each night; flying west, stay up later. Try to sleep during the flight on the time zone of the destination (even if hours uncomfortable). When you get there, make a point to spend some time in natural sunlight, because it helps the body’s internal clock keep up and it will be easier to adjust to the local time zone.

Tips For Getting Quality Sleep While Traveling

Create A Sleep-Friendly Environment

No matter where you’re staying, whether in a hotel, Airbnb, or even a hostel, attempt to make your sleeping area as comfortable as you can get it. Bring things that make you feel at home – like a sleep mask, some ear plugs, or the pillow you love. Block light and noise, and if necessary, control the room’s temperature to get comfortable.

Stick To A Routine

Maintaining a sleep routine going even out of town can make a huge difference. Although you are still in a new place, do your best to get to bed and get up at the same time every day. It also helps your body adjust to it with less hassle and play nice with your natural rhythm.

Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Phones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light that can clash with your body to produce less melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep. Do your best to avoid screens 30 minutes before bedtime. Don’t take part in screens, instead unwind with a book, meditation, or light stretching.

Stay Active During The Day

Being physical may help you fall asleep at night. Walking around a city, swimming, or doing yoga, whatever it is to get some exercise during the day, it will help promote restful sleep. Just remember not to exercise vigorously right before bed because then it will be harder to wind down.

Watch Your Diet And Hydration

The quality of your sleep is affected by what you eat and drink. Don’t eat heavy meals, caffeine or alcohol close to when you go to bed because these can disrupt your sleep. Yes, you also have to stay hydrated as well, but don’t overdo it or drink too much water right before bed because you wake up in the middle of the night.

Relax And De-Stress

Sometimes when you’re traveling can be stressful, juggling a packed schedule. It helps to practice deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or a calming bedtime routine to ease stress and relaxation before bedtime. It can also help your body gets the message that it’s time to wind down.

The Benefits Of A Good Night’s Sleep

Getting enough good sleep during your trip will ensure that not only are you feeling refreshed and invigorated, but your mood will be elevated and so will your trip. Sleep helps travelers deal with the stress of the trip, have fun and sightsee, and keep on top of their responsibilities. 

Lastly, when you place more importance on sleep, you may also become less fatigued and more well rested therefore you are able to truly take in everything your destination has to offer. You’ll also reduce the likelihood of feeling run down, preventing potential illnesses from affecting your trip.

A good night’s sleep not only helps you feel rejuvenated but also enhances your connection with your partner with help of watchmygf website, as sharing restful moments together fosters emotional connection and strengthens the bond between you.


Sleep is one of the most important aspects of staying healthy and energized while traveling. Battling jet lag is just one reason you need to make sure to prioritize resting in bed while abroad: It needs to help you rest and recuperate so that you have the energy to enjoy your trip to the fullest. Lucky for you, with a little bit of preparation and some well chosen strategies, you can overcome common travel related sleep disruption and actually enjoy your travels.

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